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charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Versione stampabile

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charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - pablopi - 06-03-12

che budget hai ? essendo la tua prima esperienza ti consiglio di trovare l'auto da un rivenditore pi? o meno "conosciuto" in USA e trovarti un importatore italiano specializzato che ti possa assistere.

Ti coster? qualcosa in pi? ripetto al fai-da-te, ma almeno riduci le probabilit? di fregature.

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

[quote name='talentiroad' post='410899' date='6/3/2012, 17:38']Scusate, non mi insultate, ma se la prendo in USA al prezzo dell'auto quanti iuri devo aggiungere per trasprto, sdoganamento, immatricolazione ecc....?[/quote]

Dipende da un sacco di cose, anche da dove la trovi. Per trasportare la mia ho speso 3 mila. Ma le spese vanno pure in proporzione. Per quelle cifre direi 8 mila orientativamente.

La cosa migliore e' cercare qualche charger sul web e farsi fare un preventivo da diversi importatori....

Anzi, contattare qualche importatore, dirgli: io ho questi soldi, che charger mi prendo?...che loro le sanno cercare pure meglio di te.

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

[quote name='nigel68' post='410901' date='6/3/2012, 17:40']Lascia perdere youtube, i computer, i forum e le altre pirlate virtuali. Credimi, devi toccare con mano le cose. Non so quanti anni hai, ma prima vai sul campo, siediti su una macchina del genere, parla coi proprietari appassionati veri (non i soggetti che han venduto l'Audi supermegaminckiaturbodiesel per prendere una macchina grossa che fa "vroom" e paga zero di assicurazione). Informarti e leggere va bene, ? basilare, ma bastano tre mesi dopodich? facevi meglio ad andare ad Oensingen o semplicemente a Voghera per un paio di volte. Come anche magari farti ospitare come passeggero ad una raduno turistico a bordo di una Lancia Aurelia o di un Duetto del 66. Giusto per capire di cosa si tratta, dal momento che per tua stessa ammissione non hai dimestichezza con la meccanica. Giusto un'infarinatura <img src="" alt="Confused" title="Confused" class="smilie smilie_13" />archaha:

Poi per compare una macchina usata e per giunta d'epoca, o hai la necessaria esperienza, o ti rivolgi ad un consulente (nel forum ce ne sono un paio bravissimi) o ti porti un meccanico di fiducia. Ma uno bravo che si intenda di storiche, meglio ancora se americane.

My two cents...[/quote]

La penso perfettamente come te, ho 45 anni ed essendo di Roma ho gi? preso contatti con Mirko il quale molto carinamente mi ha invitato ad andare ai raduni. Sicuramente seguir? il tuo consiglio e accetter? volentieri l' invito di Mirko, anche perch? cos? ci si conosce majora Nigel....

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - nigel68 - 06-03-12

[quote name='talentiroad' post='410906' date='6/3/2012, 17:46']La penso perfettamente come te, ho 45 anni ed essendo di Roma ho gi? preso contatti con Mirko il quale molto carinamente mi ha invitato ad andare ai raduni. Sicuramente seguir? il tuo consiglio e accetter? volentieri l' invito di Mirko, anche perch? cos? ci si conosce majora Nigel....[/quote]

Cazzarola grande, siamo quasi coetanei! <img src="" alt="Confused" title="Confused" class="smilie smilie_13" />archaha: Dai che a Roma c'? un bel giro e un OTTIMO meccanico!!

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

[quote name='Shelby gt500' post='410904' date='6/3/2012, 17:45'][quote name='talentiroad' post='410899' date='6/3/2012, 17:38']Scusate, non mi insultate, ma se la prendo in USA al prezzo dell'auto quanti iuri devo aggiungere per trasprto, sdoganamento, immatricolazione ecc....?[/quote]

Dipende da un sacco di cose, anche da dove la trovi. Per trasportare la mia ho speso 3 mila. Ma le spese vanno pure in proporzione. Per quelle cifre direi 8 mila orientativamente.

La cosa migliore e' cercare qualche charger sul web e farsi fare un preventivo da diversi importatori....

Anzi, contattare qualche importatore, dirgli: io ho questi soldi, che charger mi prendo?...che loro le sanno cercare pure meglio di te.


Capisco, d'altronde anche Nigel68 mi ha pi? o meno dato lo stesso consiglio, dicendomi che qui nel forum potrei trovare persone oneste e qualificate che mi possono aiutare sia per l'acquisto, che per il trasporto, che per la manutenzione una volta che la bimba ? in Italia. Ma ad esempio a Roma nada de nada riguardo tutto ci? ?

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - GiĆ² - 06-03-12

[quote name='talentiroad' post='410872' date='6/3/2012, 16:55'][quote name='Gi?' post='410862' date='6/3/2012, 16:43']Una domanda assolutamente scontata...perch? con quel Signor budget, proprio una Charger?[/quote]

Perch? mentre stavo guardando Bullit per vedere la Mustang mi appare questo animale nero con quel muso unico e cattivo, la Mustang non ? pi? esistita, avevo occhi solo per lei. Sono passati 3 anni, non vorrei essere ridicolo, ma a tuttoggi mi alzo e mi addormento col pensiero di guidarmela da solo per le solitarie autostrade che tagliano la Spagna da Bilbao a voglio da morire, ma aspetto perch? so che acquistarne una valida non ? come andare a comprarsi le mele al mercato.....


Azz se quella sera ti guardavi "The Duel" era tutto molto pi? semplice <img src="" alt="Confused" title="Confused" class="smilie smilie_13" />archaha: :omino: :headbang: !

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - nomadiaugusto - 06-03-12

[quote name='nigel68' post='410890' date='6/3/2012, 17:21']Sinceramente di avvicinarti al mondo delle auto d'epoca con un po' pi? di gradualit?. Ci vuole un po' di malizia per capire i comportamenti, le reazioni, i problemi di un'auto che pur costruita in un'epoca in cui l'America era avanti a tutti, ha comunque pi? di 40 anni.

Ad esempio non puoi lanciarti all'inseguimento di una qualunque Punto Jtd per le stradine di un qualsiasi entroterra: alle prime due frenate lui ti saluta, tu finisci contro la montagna e dici "minkia ma che macchina di m.erda"

[color="#FF0000"]E' altrettanto possibile che dopo un mese tu cominci a stufarti del fatto che magari scalda in colonna quelle due volte che l'hai usata in citt? oppure che quando arrivi alla sera ti puzzano gli abiti di olio bruciato (e anche il costoso abitino di Gucci della tua morosa) semplicemente perch? manca un gommino del firewall dove passa il cavo del contakm.. "minkia ma che macchina del kazzo, 40mila euro buttati via".


Infine (la cosa che io trovo pi? assurda) inizi a spendere migliaia di euro per cercare di rendere l'auto "moderna" e a questo punti uno si chiede perch? hai speso 40 mila euro per una macchina d'epoca quando dell'epoca ti piaceva solo la linea. Tanto valeva prendersi una Challenger moderna e stop.

Se sei sicuro che non prenderai nessuna di queste strade allora benvenuto nel fantastico mondo delle auto storiche americane. E ricorda che avvicinarti ad una macchina storica comunque complessa e costosa solo perch? l'hai vista in tv, apre la strada ad una serie di inchiappettate che potresti prendere dalla portata cosmica <img src="" alt="Confused" title="Confused" class="smilie smilie_13" />archaha:

Uno dei consigli basilari ? informarti: prima sui libri, poi in rete evitando tassativamente Wikipedia (quella in inglese ? un po' meglio) e siti "glamour" tipo ecc.

Molto meglio partire con un paio di ottimi libri e spulciare su siti dedicati tipo e altri dedicati alla Charger che sinceramente non conosco.

Good Luck![/quote]

eppure io non ti ho raccontato niente.......

in pratica l ho tirata fuori dal letargo sabato e apparte alcuni problemi che aveva gia, e che mi sono tornati in mente usandola dopo tanto, vari problemini che aveva e che si sono riaggiunti, mi ? successo precisamente quello che hai scritto ....tranne l abito che non era di gucci

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

Per Gio....Perch?, che macchina ? protagonista in The Duel ? non l'ho visto....

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - mopar - 06-03-12

Valiant del 70. Film epico, che ha consacrato Spielberg

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - mopar - 06-03-12


David Mann (Dennis Weaver) is a middle-aged Los Angeles electronics salesman driving his red Plymouth Valiant on a business trip. On a two-lane highway in the California desert, he encounters a grimy and rusty Peterbilt 281 tanker truck, traveling slower than the speed limit and expelling thick plumes of sooty diesel exhaust. Mann passes the unsightly truck, which promptly roars past him and then slows down. Mann passes the truck a second time and is startled when it suddenly issues a long air horn blast.

The truck follows him into a filling station. While there, Mann makes a phone call to his wife (Jacqueline Scott), who is upset with him for not confronting one of their friends at a recent party who was making a pass at her. The gas station attendant mentions that Mann needs a new radiator hose, but he disbelieves the attendant and refuses the repair.

The 1955 Peterbilt 281 tanker truck

Once both Mann and the trucker are back on the road, the truck begins blocking Mann?s path each time he attempts to pass it. At one point, the truck driver waves at Mann, indicating that he can overtake. When he does, he almost strikes an oncoming vehicle. Mann realizes the truck driver was trying to trick him into a fatal collision. He passes the truck again, using an unpaved turnout next to the highway. The truck soon begins to tailgate Mann at high speeds?over 90 miles per hour (140 km/h)?forcing him to maintain his speed to avoid being rear-ended. The chase continues down a mountain road with the truck bumping him several times until the Plymouth goes off the road, colliding with a guardrail across the road from a diner. The truck keeps driving.

Mann enters the diner (Chuck's Caf?) to compose himself. After returning from the restroom, he is shocked to see the truck parked outside the diner. Mann studies the diner patrons carefully and begins an inner monologue in which he contemplates the driver's motives and second-guesses his decision to sit helplessly in the diner. Most of the patrons sitting at the counter give Mann the impression of malice, but when one leaves, appearing to approach the tanker, he instead drives away in a pickup truck. Mann eyes the patrons again to try to identify his pursuer, and when he thinks he has, he confronts him. The man he approaches (Eugene Dynarski) is angered at Mann's accusations and engages him in a short fist fight. After the fight is broken up by the caf? owner, the man abruptly leaves the diner in a livestock truck. However, the tanker truck is driven off a few short seconds later.

Mann leaves Chuck's Caf? and stops to help a stranded school bus, but his front bumper becomes caught underneath the rear of the bus. The truck appears at the end of a tunnel. Mann panics, manages to free the Plymouth and flees, but then is puzzled to see the truck helping the bus get moving. At a railroad crossing, the truck quietly approaches Mann's car from behind and starts pushing the Valiant towards a passing freight train. The train passes by just in time and Mann crosses the tracks and pulls off the road. The truck passes him by and disappears.

David Mann (Dennis Weaver) being chased by the truck.

Mann then stops at Sally's Snakerama Gas Station to call the police and refuel his Plymouth. Before he can complete the call, the truck roars up and plows into the telephone booth, with Mann jumping clear just in time. The truck proceeds to chase Mann as he is on foot, destroying Sally's Snakerama. Terrified, Mann jumps into his car and speeds away. Mann then hides behind an embankment off the road and sees the truck pass by, apparently without noticing him. After a long wait, Mann heads off again but is dumbfounded to see that the truck is waiting for him just around the bend. Mann stops his car and attempts to get help from an older couple in a car that is cruising by. They think he is crazy and refuse to listen until they see the truck themselves, and flee when the truck backs up towards them at increasing speed. Mann returns to his car. The truck eventually allows him to pass by and a high-speed chase begins. Mann races up steep grades, putting some distance between himself and the truck. However, his Valiant begins to overheat when its weak radiator hose fails and the truck quickly begins gaining on him. Mann barely makes the summit and coasts down the other side in neutral as the truck bears down on him.

Descending at speeds too great to control, the Plymouth spins out and impacts a rock wall. The truck speeds toward the damaged car as Mann accelerates, drives up a dirt road, and turns to face his opponent on a large hill overlooking a canyon. He places his briefcase on the accelerator and steers his vehicle directly toward the oncoming truck, jumping from the car at the last moment. The tanker hits the car, which bursts into flames, partially obscuring the truck driver's view. Too late, the truck's driver realizes he is headed for the canyon and brakes hard. With a blast of the air horn the truck plunges over the edge of a cliff into the canyon below. Surveying the smoking wreckage, Mann celebrates his victory and then sits down, exhausted. He tosses stones over the cliff as the sun sets.


Dennis Weaver as David Mann

Jacqueline Scott as Mrs. Mann

Carey Loftin as The Truck Driver

Eddie Firestone as Caf? owner

Lou Frizzell as Bus driver

Eugene Dynarski as Man in caf?

Lucille Benson as Lady at Snakerama

Tim Herbert as Gas station attendant

Charles Seel as Old man

Shirley O'Hara as Waitress

Alexander Lockwood as Old man in car

Amy Douglass as Old woman in car

Sweet Dick Whittington as Radio interviewer

Dale Van Sickle as Car driver


The script is adapted by Richard Matheson from his own short story, originally published in Playboy magazine. It was inspired by a real-life experience, in which Matheson was tailgated by a trucker on his way home from a golfing match with friend Jerry Sohl, on the same day as the Kennedy assassination. The short story was given to Spielberg by his secretary, who reportedly read the magazine for the stories.[1]

Duel was Spielberg's feature-length directing debut, soon after a well-received turn directing a segment of the anthology television series Night Gallery. Initially shown on American television as an ABC Movie of the Week installment, it was eventually released to cinemas in Europe and Australia, and had a limited cinema release to some venues in the United States. The film's success enabled Spielberg to establish himself as a film director.[1]

Much of the movie was filmed in and around the communities of Canyon Country, Agua Dulce and Acton, California. In particular, sequences were filmed on Sierra Highway, Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Soledad Canyon Road and Angeles Forest Highway. Many of the landmarks from Duel still exist today, including the tunnel, the railroad crossing and Chuck?s Caf?, a place where David Mann abruptly stops for a break. The building, since 1980 housing a French restaurant called Le Chene, is currently still on Sierra Highway.[2]

The original made-for-television version was 74 minutes long and was completed in 13 days (three longer than the scheduled 10 days), leaving 10 days for editing prior to broadcast as the ABC "Movie of the Week". Following Duel's successful TV airing, Universal released Duel overseas in 1972, especially in Europe. Since the TV movie was not long enough for theatrical release, Universal caused Spielberg to spend two days filming several new scenes, turning Duel into a 90-minute film. The new scenes were the railroad crossing, school bus, and David Mann's telephone conversation with his wife. A longer opening sequence was added with the car backing out of a garage and driving through the city. Expletives were added to make the film sound less like a television production.

Spielberg lobbied to have Dennis Weaver in the starring role because he admired Weaver's work in Orson Welles' Touch of Evil.

In the Archive of American Television website, Spielberg is quoted in an interview given by Weaver as proudly saying: "You know, I watch that movie at least twice a year to remember what I did".[3]


Though the car was carefully chosen ? a red Plymouth Valiant ? there were three cars used in the filming.[citation needed] The original release featured a 1970 model with a 318 V-8 engine[citation needed] and "Plymouth" spelled out in block letters across the hood, as well as trunk lid treatment characteristic of the 1970 model; a 1971 with a 225 Slant Six was also used.[citation needed] When the film was released in theatres and scenes were added, a 1972 model with a 225 Slant Six was added, with the "Plymouth" name on the hood as one emblem. All three cars were dressed with wheel covers available only to Valiant models, only in 1971.[citation needed]

The Valiant's red color was also intentional; Spielberg did not care what kind of car was used in the film, but wanted it to be a red car to enable the vehicle to stand out in the wide shots of the desert highway.[1]

The surviving truck, a 1960 281 at a 2010 truck show, properly with a Plymouth Valiant.

Spielberg had what he called an "audition" for the truck, where he viewed a series of trucks to choose the one for the film. He selected the older 1955 Peterbilt 281 over the then-current flat-nosed "forward control" style of trucks because the long hood of the Peterbilt, coupled to its split windshield and round headlights, gave it more of a "face", adding to the menacing personality.[1] In addition, Spielberg said that the multiple license plates on the front bumper of the Peterbilt subtly suggested that the truck driver is a serial killer, having "run down other drivers in other states."[1] For each shot, several people had the task to make it uglier, adding some "truck make-up". The shots of the truck are done in such a way as to make it seem "alive" in terms of its attack on Mann.

During the original filming, the crew only had one truck, so the final scene of the truck falling off the cliff had to be completed in one take. For the film's theatrical release, though, additional trucks were purchased in order to film the additional scenes that were not in the original made-for-television version (the school bus scene and the railroad crossing scene). Only one of those trucks has survived.[4][dubious ? discuss]

Stock footage of both vehicles was later used in an episode of the television series The Incredible Hulk, titled "Never Give A Trucker An Even Break". Spielberg was not happy about this, but the usage was legal as the show was produced by Universal, and the Duel contract said nothing about reusing the footage in other Universal productions.[5]

The truck was purchased several times and is currently owned by a truck collector and is on display at Brad's Trucks in North Carolina.[6][dubious ? discuss]


The film received many positive reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes the film currently has a "Fresh" score of 86% (2010).

[edit]Awards and Nominations


Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival

Grand Prize: 1973[7]


Outstanding Achievement in Film Sound Editing: 1972[8]


Golden Globe

Best Movie Made for TV: 1972[9]


Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography for Entertainment Programming - For a Special or Feature Length Program Made for Television: 1972[10]

Saturn Award

Best DVD Classic Film Release: 2005[11]

[edit]References in other works

The dinosaur roar sound effect that is heard as the truck goes over the cliff is also heard in Jaws, also directed by Spielberg, as the shark's carcass sinks into the ocean. Spielberg has said that this is because he feels there is a "kinship" between Duel and Jaws, as they are both "about these leviathans targeting everyman." He has also said that inserting the sound effect into Jaws was "my way of thanking Duel for giving me a career."[1]

Stock footage from Duel appears throughout The Incredible Hulk first season episode "Never Give a Trucker an Even Break," which originally aired on CBS on April 28, 1978.[12] Spielberg was reportedly "not too happy about it," according to Matheson.[13]


charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

[quote name='mopar' post='410918' date='6/3/2012, 18:24']Valiant del 70. Film epico, che ha consacrato Spielberg[/quote]

Film mitico.

Genere horror anni 70-80, mi son visto brivido. Le auto impazzivano e uccidevano gli essere umani. Una boiata pazzesca.

Carino black cadillac e higwayman.

Scusate l'ot.

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

[quote name='mopar' post='410918' date='6/3/2012, 18:24']Valiant del 70. Film epico, che ha consacrato Spielberg[/quote]

Forse ho capito, la Plymouth ? guidata dall'attore che faceva anche Sceriffo a New York......lui col baffetto e i Ray Ban con lelenti gialle....

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

Ma fargli un colpo di telefono e proporgli 40?


charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - nomadiaugusto - 06-03-12

[quote name='Shelby gt500' post='410928' date='6/3/2012, 18:43']Ma fargli un colpo di telefono e proporgli 40?


se non sbaglio.......che se ne scansi....

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - mopar - 06-03-12

[quote name='Shelby gt500' post='410928' date='6/3/2012, 18:43']Ma fargli un colpo di telefono e proporgli 40?


hahaha..chiedi a Mirko....lui ha visto...

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - nigel68 - 06-03-12

[quote name='Shelby gt500' post='410928' date='6/3/2012, 18:43']Ma fargli un colpo di telefono e proporgli 40?


Cio? tu spenderesti 40.000 euro (OTTANTAMILIONIDILIRE) Per un 69 coi sidemarker stuccati, il motore verniciato a muzzo e chiss? cos'altro? <img src="" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" class="smilie smilie_5" />


charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Guest - 06-03-12

No, io l'ho postata sapendo che c'eravate voi che l'avreste spulciata tutta <img src="" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" class="smilie smilie_5" />

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Gianda03 - 06-03-12

[url=""]Visita il mio sito[/url]

mah premesso che non sapendo bene l'inglese non ho capito se originale o meno, comunque dopo gli esperti potranno dire la loro, ma in una foto mi sembra di vedere 39000$ che al cambio attuale su per giu sono 30.000 ? te ne restano 10.000 che potrebbero forse bastare. <img src="" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" class="smilie smilie_5" />

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Nuvolari - 06-03-12

[quote name='talentiroad' post='410872' date='6/3/2012, 16:55'][quote name='Gi?' post='410862' date='6/3/2012, 16:43']Una domanda assolutamente scontata...perch? con quel Signor budget, proprio una Charger?[/quote]

Perch? mentre stavo guardando Bullit per vedere la Mustang mi appare questo animale nero con quel muso unico e cattivo, [color="#FF0000"]la Mustang non ? pi? esistita, avevo occhi solo per lei. [/color]Sono passati 3 anni, non vorrei essere ridicolo, ma a tuttoggi mi alzo e mi addormento col pensiero di guidarmela da solo per le solitarie autostrade che tagliano la Spagna da Bilbao a voglio da morire, ma aspetto perch? so che acquistarne una valida non ? come andare a comprarsi le mele al mercato.....


:hahahah: <img src="" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" class="smilie smilie_5" /> vedo che hai capito tutto dalla vita!! <img src="" alt="Confused" title="Confused" class="smilie smilie_13" />archaha:

charger 68 rt chiedo consigli - Mirko Gibbons - 06-03-12

[quote name='mopar' post='410931' date='6/3/2012, 18:47'][quote name='Shelby gt500' post='410928' date='6/3/2012, 18:43']Ma fargli un colpo di telefono e proporgli 40?


hahaha..chiedi a Mirko....lui ha visto...


Confermo, abbiamo visto e mi sono scampato una bella incu..... Macchine assemblate con pezzi di varie annate, 383 dichiarate r/t sulla fiducia. Poi questa e' un 69 e lui non la preferisce. Mio consiglio 68 e basta